If you face traffic or criminal charges of any kind, you need a knowledgeable law firm that can help you understand what you are facing and build a solid defense.
Meaney Law PLLC will evaluate your case to make sure certain procedures were followed to ensure your rights have not been violated. We are well-versed in the law and know what to look for in the police report and when interviewing witnesses. We will also communicate with the prosecution to gauge how strong the case is against you and negotiate the best possible resolution, or we will take your case to trial. While we cannot guarantee an acquittal or dismissal, we will work with you to build a solid legal defense based on the particular circumstances in your case.
At Meaney Law PLLC, we will zealously represent and counsel you as you deal with a stressful criminal or traffic case. To set up a consultation with Andrew Meaney, call (631) 427.2900.
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